We understand custom-made parts to mean everything we can help solve your challenge with. This specifically includes non-standardised products tailored to your specific demands.

The selection of custom-made parts shown below gives you an idea of what the options are. We can produce everything that will help solve your specific challenge – from branch elbows made to works standards, branch saddles, flanged edges, elbow tees and reversing-cap to sophisticated turned or milled high-pressure fittings.

Biegung und Umkehrkappe als Sonderlösungen für Rohrformstücke aus Stahl
Anbohrstück mit Gewinde

Tapped element with thread

Biegung aus Stahl


Krümmer-T-Stück aus Stahl

Elbow tees

Halbschalenbogen aus Stahl

Halfpipe elbows

Bördel aus Stahl


Einschweißbogen aus Stahl

Branch elbows

Sattelstutzen aus Stahl

Branch saddles

Sonderreduzierung aus Stahl

Custom-made reducers

Sonderanfertigung nach Kundenwunsch
... and what can we do for you?

Questions about
custom-made parts?

Our customer service is available with answers at all times.